Nan Collins


About the work

About the photographer



About the Work

As a musician, artist and theologian I am drawn to and inspired as well as fascinated by Light. The craft of Fine Art Photography has given me yet another avenue by which I am able to enter into and celebrate Creation and her many moods of light; the joy, the music, the drama and mystery.

The Western Coast of Ireland with her majestic cliffs meeting the sea and sky and her gently rolling hills and dales takes one's breath away. The light shifts from a sense of power one minute to a feeling of delicate beauty the next. A rainbow can be close on the heels of a wild rain storm. Wind comes out of nowhere ushering in voluminous clouds.

As I walk the land among ruined abbeys and cloisters, ageless stone circles, houses, altars and walls there is an enveloping sense of awe for those whose lives these represent. For centuries life here has required enormous challenges. When one can be attentive and truly present the spirit of those gone before and the land where they toiled beckons and allows you to enter into her history. The Irish story is one of hope and courage in the face of pain and strife, joyful enduring energy and a profound hold on the promise of God's Providence.

This is truly sacred ground.

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