Linda Rogers' biographical journey to Word & Image

I grew up in New York City in winter and a small dairy village Upstate in summer. My parents met in the 1920's as musical comedy performers. As a young child, I heard indiscriminate Shakespeare, Sigmund Romberg and Ziegfield songs in lieu of bedtime stories. Sundays were occasionally spent at Museum of Modern Art films - my father whispered the subtitles. He loved recording devices of all kinds and cameras both still and movie and I was often asked to perform. As a shy kid, I therefore developed a repulsion for the recording of events aurally or photographically, and didn't pick up a camera until studying with Holly Smith Pedlosky's and Karen Davis' Photography Atelier in my maturity.

I began writing quite a lot at prep school, and occasionally cut classes to mess about in the art room as I intended to put my life's effort into art. Children intervened; marriage interrupted my first year at Brown; I later resumed formal education, first at the Art Student's League in New York - then at Harvard Extension in my thirties. I have participated in workshops with a number of Harvard Extension and Radcliffe Seminars writers, including Anne Bernays, Cynthia Rich, Alex Theroux, Shaun O'Connell, Jane Rabb, and Miriam Goodman.

The visual side of me has continually been stimulated by drawing, making unusual costumes for my children, creating surprising living quarters (like a space capsule, aluminum lined bathroom,) and through scholarly study projects, as with former Harvard Semitic Museum Curator Dr. Carney Gavin, archeologist and archivist of 19th century photographs of the Middle East.

In that Upstate dairy village is an 1820 Federal style field stone house, built by my mother's ancestors. An unbroken family line of females retained ownership and sometimes residence until 1980. At that time I found a vast treasure of 19th century letters and photographs that is a continuing archival project and an evolving book in 19th century word and image.

In 2001 I decided that all of my former and present interests might be examined in the Radcliffe Seminars course "Word & Image, Making Art in Two Languages," led by Karen Davis and Miriam Goodman. The projects undertaken have brought me to my work today and opened a path for the development of new skills: color photography, digital dark rooming (Photoshop), the discipline of creating portfolios and preparation for exhibition.

Linda Rogers Exhibitions:

Student exhibition: Photography Atelier 2002 at The Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June - September, 2002.; Photography Atelier 2003, 2004 Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July - October, 2003,June 2004 Website

Juried shows: New England Photography and Sculpture Show, Cambridge Art Association, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October - November, 2002; Cambridge Art Association "Heat", February, 2005.

New Members Show, July 2003; "Hot Days Cool Nights" Members Show, July - September 2003, Cambridge Art Association, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Recent Projects:
Artists' Books
- "Rock & Roll Volume 3 or Twist Again," "Bingo Bango Bongo, Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie"

Installations - "Adultery," "My Almost Life Among the Famous," "My Mother's Chairs"

Word & Image Wall Art - - "Fall Again," "Adultery," "Perspective," "Learning," "The Orchard," "Absent Friends," "Happy Birthday Baby" "The Glass House" "Elliot" "Passed Lives"

Cartoon Art - "Getting It On - On the Internet" and "Oh Ho Say Can You See?"

Archive Project - Restoration & archiving of a collection of 19th century photographs & letters of the Hubbard family of Jefferson County, New York

Projects in process:
"Letters to Stephen," manuscript of 19th century letters and photographs.
"Leaving Lake Boon," manuscript of stories and photographs about an eclectic lake community.
"Gene Pool," an installation




Designed by: Cristina Pujol
©2005 Linda Rogers