Amy Rindskopf
Edible Geometry
ed·i·ble. adjective. fit to be eaten.
ge·om·e·try. noun. the shape and relative arrangement of the parts of something.
I am irresistibly drawn to fruits and vegetables. Not just for the wonderful food I love to eat, but for the shapes, the textures, the colors. Nature gives us a wonderful variety of plants during the growing season and the bounty springs out of my farm share box each week. By weeks end, these delights will be just a delicious memory. I use my camera to stop the leek on the way to the soup pot. The curl of the cabbage leaf stays with me, even as the season moves on to the next harvest.
Artist Bio
Amy Rindskopf is a photographer based in Winchester, MA. Her work focuses on the natural world. As a long-time farm-share volunteer and New England resident, she is especially interested in the local seasonal harvest.
Rindskopf’s work has been exhibited at PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT (multiple juried exhibitions); the Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA; the Nave Gallery, Somerville, MA; the Cultural Center at Rocky Neck, Gloucester, MA; the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Nashua and Lebanon, NH; and the Belmont Art Gallery, Belmont, MA.
Rindskopf studied photography at Wellesley College; the Corcoran Museum of Art, and the Photography Atelier at the Griffin Museum of Photography, where she is the course assistant. She develops and presents seasonal recipes at the Winchester Farmer’s Market and is the private event coordinator for historic Wright-Locke Farm, Winchester, MA.
Contact Amy Rindskopf