Coco McCabe
T time
Most mornings, at 7:12, I board the train for Boston. For an hour I daydream, read, knit, work, snooze, fume–all in my own bubble. When I get off, I shuffle with the herd into a new day. A commute can be an intensely private time in the most public of places. It’s that tension that I am capturing in this series of photographs: the aloneness in a crowd, the pause in a rush, the emptiness in a station after hours.
Artist Bio
Words shaped the first 35 years of Coco McCabe’s working life. She was a newspaper reporter and editor for many of them. But in the fall of 2012, as her mother lay dying, McCabe picked up a camera and began documenting everything around them, from the autumn light washing the fields outside to the paints and brushes, pastels and papers that jammed her mother’s studio. Picture-taking became an obsession.
Five years later, McCabe’s deep satisfaction in trying to look closely at the world has not waned. For her, the thrill of visual story-telling is as keen as writing ever was. She has been energized, in part, by her work and travel for an international aid organization, which has carried her to some of the most remote places on earth. For more, please visit
Contact Coco McCabe