Maureen McKeon
Passing Through
On a recent road trip, I mentioned that we were “just passing through.” Later, I ruminated on the phrase passing through and its many connotations. When traveling, passing through means you don’t belong in that place, you’re a stranger. Often it signifies penetrating, going beyond or crossing over a barrier. In a different context, passing through can reflect being detached and transient. Ultimately it alludes to death.
This series is a contemplation of transition, impermanence, and remembrance. As I reflect on life in my sixties, I realize that I am in a time of transition as I shed old personae to become more my true self. It is a time of letting go as I accept my own mortality. But while acknowledging that impermanence, I look for vestiges of the past and how they echo back into the present. Families honor their loved ones. Ancient stone ruins still stand. There is beauty in what remains. Images of passages and open doors symbolize my willingness to move forward. I hope to pass through this last phase of life like algae on a flowing stream, floating untethered and free. We are only visitors here.
Artist Bio
Maureen McKeon is a fine art photographer based in Austin, Texas. Her images are personal and capture what she loves: family, home and her natural surroundings. Through portraiture and photographs of the natural world, Maureen explores concepts of time, impermanence and the relationship we have with the world around us. Maureen uses a variety of film and digital cameras, often paired with vintage lenses, slowing her work to find the stillness she seeks.
Though Maureen holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Buffalo and has a career in government information technology, she has always been interested in photography. While at the University of Buffalo and St Edwards University she took courses in photography and has continued to study the art of photography through the Dougherty Arts Center, Houston Center for Photography, SE Center for Photography, Nobechi Creative and Santa Fe Workshops. She is currently participating in Atelier 34 at the Griffin Museum. Her work has been exhibited in group shows through the National Arts Program, the Pearl St Darkroom Coop and the Lost Pines Art Center Juried exhibitions include Did That Just Happen at . Diptych at the A Smith Gallery and Portals at the SE Center for Photography.
Contact Maureen McKeon