Terry Bleser
Brink of Change
It was time to make a change, one of many turns in life – we wanted to leave New England winters behind. How does one find a new place, step from the familiar to the new?
Poised on the brink of a change, I awoke almost daily with a new fear, yet another way it could go wrong. What if…
These photographs emerged as little postcards from sleep-born anxieties. They look at me and say, this is what you fear. Recognize it. It will all work out.
Artist Bio
As a child, Terry Bleser spent many hours in the neighboring woods climbing trees, running wild, and studying the resident creatures. The natural world was a refuge for exploring her external and internal worlds. As an adult she captures the quiet beauty of ordinary places so that they may not be lost.
Terry’s background in graphic arts, painting, printmaking, and the sciences informs how she sees the world and interprets it through photography. She has extensive training in photography from the Corcoran School of Art, New England School of Photography, Maine Media Workshops, and the Griffin Museum.
Terry has exhibited at PhotoPlace Gallery, Griffin Museum, Danforth Museum of Art, and Gallery One in Boston. Her work has also appeared in magazines, and brochures in support of local conservation groups. She currently resides in Newton Massachusetts.
Contact Terry Bleser