Terry Bleser
Tree and Door
During one of many routine drives I noticed a single tree rooted on a sliver of dirt and leaning towards a closed wooden door. The tree seemed to reach for the door, expressing a yearning for something hidden behind it. On subsequent trips I made a point of pausing to photograph the tree, door, and relationship between them. A quiet story emerged from the small details captured in images over time. My growing familiarity with their shared life unveiled a deeper understanding of my own yearnings and dreams.
For over 6 years I’ve recorded the life of the tree and door; this is an excerpt from that ongoing project.
Artist Bio
As a child, Terry Bleser spent many hours in the neighboring woods climbing trees, running wild, and studying the resident creatures. The natural world was a refuge for exploring her external and internal worlds. As an adult she gravitated to capturing with a camera the sense of ordinary quiet places like those of her youth. Her photography serves as a means for personal exploration and advocacy for the natural world.
Terry’s background in graphic arts, painting, printmaking, and the sciences informs how she sees the world and interprets it through photography. She has extensive training in photography from the Corcoran School of Art, New England School of Photography, Maine Media Workshops, and the Griffin Museum.
Terry has exhibited at PhotoPlace Gallery, Griffin Museum, Danforth Museum of Art, and Gallery One in Boston. Her work has also appeared in magazines, and brochures in support of local conservation groups. She currently resides in Newton Massachusetts.
Contact Terry Bleser