Photography Atelier, an advanced class for established and emerging photographers, meets for fifteen weeks in the fall semester and ten weeks in the spring semester. Students may enroll for one or both courses.
In Atelier, there are instructor presentations, assignments, and group critiques to help each participant create a strong body of work as a portfolio of printed images, digital presentation, website, or book produced by hand or on-line. Students’ work appears on the Atelier website and in an annual exhibition at Lesley in the spring.Holly Smith Pedlosky will teach the Fall 2009 Semester: Photography Atelier - The Digital Portfolio. Here, participants will be guided to develop their individual photographic capacities and realize their artistic visions, emphasizing the possibilities for expression, for communicating, and for exploring the world that are opened up by new digital tools such as digital cameras and advanced techniques in Photoshop.
Karen Davis will teach the Spring 2010 Semester: Photography Atelier - Contemporary Practices. Here, there will be an emphasis on composition and personal style. Images made with film or digital media – SLRs, plastic cameras, cell phones, and alternative methods are welcome. Classes will include consideration of contemporary trends in photography and an examination of photo-based artists of the late 20th to 21st century.