Little Moments from Daily Living
Life goes by so fast. We’re children then adults; we’re mothers then grandmothers. We don’t always appreciate the significance of any single domestic moment or experience as it quickly passes before us. In my current work, “Little Moments from Daily Life,” I record experiences of daily home life with a focus on those little moments. The subjects in the stories presented here are my two grandsons and my cat.
From the many photographs I take as an “event” occurs, I select nine that best tell the story. I arrange these images in grids to be read as filmstrips. From these nine images I select a single photograph that best represents the event to me then enlarge it and display it above the grid.
The filmstrips let me capture time as it flies by and help me cope with the speed of daily life. The single image lets me stop time and savor the moment. Having a story-telling role to play in lives of those who give meaning to my life is a continuous gift.