Portrait Tableaus

In our homes, the interiors and surfaces can reveal much about who we are and perhaps what we have lost or long for. Objects like books, telephones, old records and picture frames offer the opportunity to learn about the complexity of a life through a handful of selected details and interior arrangements. Dust and any signs of aging or decay, like worn surfaces and faded colors, remind us that all these things simultaneously are present in this world yet are at risk of vanishing.

In this series of photographs I portray people through these everyday objects that have the potential to reveal aspects of the subject’s life. I search for images to gain insight into a person’s life and what provides meaning to them. I also reflect on the things we all collect during a lifetime but will have to leave behind one day. (Will these things be preserved or discarded?)

I believe that we hold onto our objects to preserve a memory and to prove that we exist here and now. Perhaps I was drawn to this project out of a wish for permanence in a world of loss and decay.

I’m now curious what my belongings can tell about me.


Bob Avakian

Nan Collins

Anne Davey

Sharon Devereux

Ed Friedman

Sue D'Arcy Fuller

Cassandra Goldwater

Lydia Harris

Gail Samuelson

Michael Seif

Alice Shafer

Dick Simon

Ellen Slotnick

Betty Stone

Astrid Reischwitz


Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum



Griffin Museum

   All images © of Individual Artists    All rights reserved