
Gail Samuelson photographs times of transition in the life of her family: her father’s Alzheimer’s Disease, her own breast surgery, and most recently, a study of her daughter’s return home.

As a commercial photographer, Ms. Samuelson has photographed people and events since 1992 as the owner of Gail Samuelson Photography. She studied photography at the Massachusetts College of Art, the New England School of Photography, the Art Institute of Boston, the Photographic Resource Center with Frank Gohlke, and at the Griffin Museum of Photography.

Ms. Samuelson’s work has been exhibited at NESOP Gallery One and Photography Atelier exhibitions. Her photographs are published on corporate websites and as author photographs on book jackets. This year, she received a prize from the Texas Photographic Society for her cell phone photography.

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Bob Avakian

Nan Collins

Anne Davey

Sharon Devereux

Ed Friedman

Sue D'Arcy Fuller

Cassandra Goldwater

Lydia Harris

Gail Samuelson

Michael Seif

Alice Shafer

Dick Simon

Ellen Slotnick

Betty Stone

Astrid Reischwitz


Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum



Griffin Museum

   All images © of Individual Artists    All rights reserved