Elementary Vision

Photography for me is about capturing moments.  I find myself taking these pictures every day, with and without my camera.  In that way, I have been taking photographs for as long as I can remember.

I have always been drawn to faces.  The faces here are elementary school children.  As an adult, I admire their ability to be themselves, to be spontaneous.  Their energy and enthusiasm are contagious.  As a parent, I am awed by flashes of their coming adulthood.  Henri Cartier-Bresson spoke of the “decisive moment” that a photograph can capture.  With these children, there is an “instant of recognition”, when they see my camera; they know that this moment will be captured.

I chose to show these images in black and white to let the faces speak for themselves.  Without color, these faces are of today and everyday.



Bob Avakian

Betsy Constantine

Jorge Galvez

Trelawney Goodell

Vicki McKenna

Jane Paradise

Amy Rindskopf

Judy Robinson-Cox

Linda Rogers

Gail Samuelson

Dianne Schaefer

Alice Shafer

Dick Simon

Ellen Slotnick

Christy Stadelmaier



Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum



Griffin Museum

   All images © of Individual Artists    All rights reserved