Spring Greenhouse Portraits                                                                     

The world of the greenhouse is a bubble where everything is different. The air is moist and clinging, fogging my camera and forcing me to shed my heavy coat. The light has a glow, perfect for capturing the essence of the plant, without the harsh reality that it will face when it is sent into the world. No drought or frost to survive, these plants face only the ease of loving, tender care.

The more time I spend in the greenhouse, watching the seedlings grow into plants, the more fascinated I become with their individual development, each plant family developing in its own unique way.

Plants in their youth, before they flower or fruit, have a charm all their own.  They are no longer simple seeds or pairs of leaves but fully-fledged plants. Just as with people, some plants prefer to have their portrait taken alone while others feel most at home in a group.  The sea of greens mesmerizes me. I need to give them their proverbial moment in the sun.




Bob Avakian

Nan Campbell Collins

Diane Davies

Sue D'Arcy Fuller

Nancy Fulton

Rich Perry

Larry Raskin

Astrid Reischwitz

Amy Rindskopf

Gail Samuelson

Ellen Slotnick

Jeanne Wells



Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum



Griffin Museum

   All images © of Individual Artists    All rights reserved