A Walk in the Woods

Inspired by Barbara Bosworth’s recent triptychs of New England, I headed into the woods. In fall, the natural world transitions from growing and blooming to rest and recovery, in preparation for the long winter ahead. The magnificent colors of the leaves are a last hurrah before the grey of winter.

When I am in the woods, I often find myself looking both left and right, never at just one thing. The human eye processes information differently than the camera. Using four images to create each scene allows me to more completely capture the woods that I see. It also allows me to get closer to the elements than a traditional panorama. It is my way of holding onto the landscape. While I often walk in the woods alone, the images that I bring back are never meant just for me. Photography for me, like life, is about sharing.


Lora Brody

Nan Campbell Collins

Miren Etcheverry

Cassandra Goldwater

Trelawney Goodell

Tira Khan

Astrid Reischwitz

Karen Shulman

Ellen Slotnick

Christy Stadelmaier

Andrea Rosenthal



Atelier and Instructors

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   All images © of Individual Artists    All rights reserved 


Bob Avakian

John Bunzick

Vicki Diez-Canseco

Mary Eaton

David Feigenbaum

Kathleen Krueger

Vicki McKenna

Jane Paradise

Amy Rindskopf

Linda Rogers

Gail Samuelson

Dianne Schaefer

Julie Williams-Krishnan



Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum