
Cassandra Goldwater uses photography to wrestle with current events and histories both personal and political.  While many of her images combine found objects, she is also drawn to the interplay of the natural environment and imagination.

Ms. Goldwater studied photography with Ri Anderson at the DeCordova Museum, the New England School of Photography and the New Hampshire Institute of Arts and Science.  She has also taken workshops with Sean Kernan at the North Country Workshops and Michelle Rogers Pritzl at the Griffin Museum of Photography.  The Photography Atelier at the Griffin Museum of Photography is a forum where she participates in portfolio development with other fine art photographers.

She teaches undergraduate courses in writing and literature at Lesley University and mentors graduate students in the MFA Writing program in word/image projects.

A resident of Lexington, Massachusetts she enjoys walking local trails with three dogs and her husband and patiently listens when their 13-year old cat complains about being stuck in the house.


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Lora Brody

Nan Campbell Collins

Miren Etcheverry

Cassandra Goldwater

Trelawney Goodell

Tira Khan

Astrid Reischwitz

Karen Shulman

Ellen Slotnick

Christy Stadelmaier

Andrea Rosenthal



Atelier and Instructors

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   All images © of Individual Artists    All rights reserved 


Bob Avakian

John Bunzick

Vicki Diez-Canseco

Mary Eaton

David Feigenbaum

Kathleen Krueger

Vicki McKenna

Jane Paradise

Amy Rindskopf

Linda Rogers

Gail Samuelson

Dianne Schaefer

Julie Williams-Krishnan



Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum