A Walk in the Orchard
During the past several months, I have been taking a series of photographic walks to get out of my head and relive the joy of taking time to wander – a flâneur in my own landscape. One autumnal day, I explored an apple orchard in Western Massachusetts. I had something of an epiphany about photography and its connection to my spirituality. It went something like this:
I take a thousand photographs every day in my mind. It is like breathing. And, when I am lucky, I have my camera. I am transported to a heightened place. My pulse quickens, the air crackles, and everything is thrown into sharp relief. I revel there; reveal there. And, when I return from that special realm, I look around at the ordinariness of it all. I find that I was here all along.
What is the work about? It is about being and finding surprise in the present: celebrating, belonging, noticing. And about gratitude. Look at how the sap runs, notice where that apple fell. Beauty is like gravity - you can count on it.