Wish You Were Here

The irony of using my IPhone and the Hisptamatic app to make pictures inspired the nostalgia by the look of old postcards is not lost on me.

Old hand painted picture postcards, sporting iconic scenes of near‐by and far‐flung destinations, have always held a fascination for me. The combination of once bright, now faded destinations, the bold script exclaiming “Cape Cod!, Mohawk Trail! and the predictable message on the back, “Wish you were here.”

Two‐dimensional time capsules, I see them as unreliable witnesses to the past. The world looked better then. Beaches, vacationers, and quaint Cape Cod structures are where this project started. Then I turned to two villages in Western Massachusetts, Turners Falls and Millers Falls. Hard times have left these once‐thriving Mohawk Trail towns looking seedy and neglected.

However, when captured through the filter of my tiny camera, the towns regain a bit of the charm, they create an idealized, dreamy moment where the viewer might, indeed, wish she was there.


Lora Brody

Bill Davison

Miren Etcheverry

Ileana Hernandez

Claudia Gustafson

David Hiley

Tira Khan

Carol Krauss

Vivan Pratt

Astrid Reischwitz

Andrea Rosenthal

Joyce Saler

Maria Verrier



Atelier and Instructors




photography atelier 20 photography atelier 20 logo


Mary Eaton

Ellen Feldman

Cassandra Goldwater

Ed Grossman

Sunny Gupta

Helena Long

Tricia O'Neiill

Glenn Ruga

Stephen Shapiro

Pip Shepley

Ellen Slotnick

Joseph Turner

Cindy Weisbart



Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum