The Wheel

My art is often generated from words – words that inspire images and together create my vision.  

We are each the center of our own universe:  “The Wheel” turns hanging on the wall or has horizontal life as a turning table top. In my universe people tell me some surprising things: wise, funny, chiding or painfully revealing.  I have paired some of their comments with photographs that together, word and image, strive to extend their meanings.

A heartfelt farewell to my friend, songwriter and poet Jack Hardy who called me a caustic woman. The White Goddess and "The Wheel of The Turning Year" were some of his inspirations. Jack died on March 11, 2011.

   All images © by individual artists    All rights reserved


Edith G. Clifford

Patricia Garrity

Suzanne Hanson

Wilson L. Hunt, Jr.

Martha Lazarus

Linda Rogers

Andrea Rosenthal

Gail Samuelson

Dianne J. Schaefer


Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum
