Photography Atelier
Photography Atelier is a portfolio and project building course for emerging to advanced photographers taught by working artists Emily Belz, Jennifer McClure and Traer Scott. Participants engage in supportive critical discussions of each other’s work and leave with a better understanding of the industry and an ability to edit and sequence their own work.
To Register for the 2024 / 2025 Classes head to our education page on the website HERE
The Photography Atelier was conceived by Holly Smith Pedlosky and past ateliers were taught by Karen Davis, Meg Birnbaum, Molly Lamb and Elizabeth Buckley.
We are excited to meet the needs of the next generation of photographic artists with this 9-month intensive program offered once a year, and culminating in an exhibition for Atelier I students at the Griffin Museum.

Photography Atelier I The course includes all of the steps to bring a series of photographic work to readiness for a gallery exhibition. This includes writing for photography, sequencing work for presentation, printing and framing options. Each student will also have one private meeting with the instructor.
Other topics: Marketing your work via social media and preparing for next steps such as portfolio reviews. Guest Lecturers will present special topics.
Photography Atelier II portfolio and project building course will inspire students who have already completed Photography Atelier I to continue to pursue new approaches in their photographic practice, and help guide them in elevating/extending concept building, and explore new methods for continuing an existing series, or creating a new project, carrying over the knowledge and experience gained in Photography Atelier I.
Students will participate in weekly / bi-weekly critiques, and this program will offer a comprehensive opportunity to discover new tools and techniques that will keep your work relevant and compelling. Each student will have one private meeting with the instructor in the Fall and one in the Winter/Spring, and guest lecturers will present special topics over the duration of the 23 sessions of the class.
Any method or medium of image making is welcome although digital photography is recommended for the first half of the class when work is assigned each week.
The next Photography Atelier series begins September 17-19, 2024 and runs until May 2025. Please contact us for more information or register online at the Griffin Museum of Photography