Kids at Play

For many years as an art director, I commissioned illustrators and photographers to illustrate stories for young children. It was important that the illustrations capture the essence of a story and of childhood, since children are a very discriminating audience.

In this portfolio I have challenged myself to portray children in everyday activities in the way I had challenged illustrators and photographers earlier. I marvel at the endless enthusiastic energy with which children engage in their activities, and I enjoyed the chance to stand back and observe a part of their world while photographing them. I am continually drawn to color, shapes, and patterns which are so much a part of a child’s experience.

There is a directness to a child’s body language that tells us a story without using words. I create multiple frame composites to show more than one action of an activity. The intent is not to present a sequence but to capture the essence of each story.


Bob Avakian

Betsy Constantine

Jorge Galvez

Trelawney Goodell

Vicki McKenna

Jane Paradise

Amy Rindskopf

Judy Robinson-Cox

Linda Rogers

Gail Samuelson

Dianne Schaefer

Alice Shafer

Dick Simon

Ellen Slotnick

Christy Stadelmaier



Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum



Griffin Museum

   All images © of Individual Artists    All rights reserved