
Perhaps the curl of the ocean waves where I live in Gloucester, MA has evoked my fascination with curvilinear forms. The waves wash up the shore in a lobate, curved geometry. Often the remnants of one wave will still be visible when the next arrives, creating a complex pattern of curved shapes. There are curved shapes of the beach as well, and the curve of the sand deposited around rocks on the  sand. And there are so many types of curves: bends, loops, ellipses, helixes, circles, scallops, and more!

Curves come first in my visual life. I see them in everything, natural or man-made. Nature works in the curves and spirals of growth and change. We feel that in every aspect of life's turning and flowing. No straight lines, no perfect forms or symmetry, but the loops, bends, spirals of our lives and paths. I feel Nature's curving bursting energy everywhere and that compels my visual expression.


Lora Brody

Nan Campbell Collins

Miren Etcheverry

Cassandra Goldwater

Trelawney Goodell

Tira Khan

Astrid Reischwitz

Karen Shulman

Ellen Slotnick

Christy Stadelmaier

Andrea Rosenthal



Atelier and Instructors

LOGO for photographyatelier19


Bob Avakian

John Bunzick

Vicki Diez-Canseco

Mary Eaton

David Feigenbaum

Kathleen Krueger

Vicki McKenna

Jane Paradise

Amy Rindskopf

Linda Rogers

Gail Samuelson

Dianne Schaefer

Julie Williams-Krishnan



Karen Davis

Course Assistant

Meg Birnbaum