artist info

Holly Smith Pedlosky
The Life in Death in Venice



About the work

About the artist



About Atelier

the Instructors



About the Artist

holly smith pedlosky website

I am an artist, photographer, & teacher. I spend part of each year in Venice, Italy.
A black & white darkroom photographer for 25 years, I began to shoot color slides during the first year I spent in Venice. Frustrated by the problem of making accurate photographic prints from transparencies, I embraced digital printing early on. Now that digital cameras have surpassed their 35mm equivalents, I shoot digitally. I don’t look back.
I founded Photography Atelier at the Radcliffe Seminars in 1997. I have taught photography in Venice, Italy for the Centro Fotografia & for Northeastern University. I am retiring this spring from the Lesley Seminars program of Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
I continue to teach intensive digital photo workshops in Venice & on Lake Como, Italy for the International Center of Photography, based in New York City. My next Lake Como workshop for ICP will be July 4-14, 2010.
I have a BA in Fine Arts from Harvard University, an MA from the University of Colorado in urban planning, & an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where I studied with Sonia Landy Sheridan, artist & founder of the Generative Systems department.



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