artist info

Karen Davis
Return to Hanoi



About the work

About the artist



About Atelier

the Instructors



About the Work

In December 1999, I traveled to Vietnam. My guide and companion was my son, Jonathan. Fluent in Vietnamese, he had been living in Vietnam for almost two years while he gathered data for his doctoral dissertation. We spent over a week in Hanoi where Jonathan introduced me to his friends - some from academia, others from his neighborhood.  These friends were very poor, many with sidewalk businesses selling tea, beer, pho and services. (link to 1999 visit)

After he received his Ph.D., Jonathan married Nan and moved to Singapore, then Hong Kong as a university professor. From there he continues to visit Vietnam as a consultant and teacher. Jesse was born in Spring, 2008.  In December of that year, my husband, Mark and I traveled to Hong Kong then we all headed to Hanoi where Jonathan introduced his friends to baby Jesse.

It was a great pleasure to meet new friends and renew acquaintances.  Even more thrilling, was the opportunity to witness the bond of friendship that has remained so strong. The images in this series document many of the moments when Jesse was introduced to his extended Hanoi family. 




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